We meet on the second Tuesday of every month in the CWG Village Hall, Buds Road WS15 4NB at 7.15 for a 7.30pm start, with a wide programme of speakers throughout the year covering a range of gardening and horticultural related topics.
We welcome everybody with an interest in gardening, whether complete beginner or veteran – you don’t have to be an expert! Some members just come along for an evening out.
At our monthly meeting we have a speaker (please see our programme page) followed by a raffle and light refreshments, when members and visitors can wander around and chat. We have a monthly competition, with the member gaining the most points over the year being awarded the Trudi Brearley Challenge Trophy. From time to time members also donate spare plants, seeds & cuttings to share out.
We also organise coach trips to gardens suggested by members, usually three a year, in spring, summer & autumn, and hold fundraising events occasionally. The largest of these is our biennial village Open Gardens Weekend, thanks to the generosity of kind garden owners, which shares the proceeds of the programme sales between the club and the village hall.
We hold an annual open show in the village hall when everyone is encouraged to enter flowers, fruit, vegetables, preserves & home baking. Our Tom Ethelstone Trophy is awarded for the highest number of points overall and the Lewis Cup for the most points in the vegetable classes.
Our membership fee for the current year is £20.00 which covers entry into the monthly meeting (with tea/coffee & biscuits provided) plus subsidised food & entertainment for our Christmas Social evening and the subsidised coach trips. Visitors are welcome at any of our meetings at the nominal charge of £4 to include refreshments.
If you would like to know more about our gardening club, please do not hesitate to contact us using the contact form.
Alternatively please feel free to come along to one of our monthly meetings as a visitor.
Also you can explore our website using the buttons under the picture at the top of the page, and our most recent events are found under ‘blog’.
Deborah Jackson
on behalf of Cannock Wood & Gentleshaw Gardening Club